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  1. UrmilNet

    December 2012 Exam: Incorrect Questions for the Paper II:

    1. Q21 is incorrect as it does not specify the language or the package it is referring to for the API definition. Each package and language has different API functions with different effects.
    Ques 21. Which API is used to draw a circle ?
    (A) Circle ( )
    (B) Ellipse ( )
    (C) Round Rect ( )
    (D) Pie ( )

    2. Q34 has answers which are mis-spelt and are incorrect. All the choices given are incorrect and the question should not be considered for the final evaluation.

    Ques 34. The maximum number of keys stored
    in a B-tree of order m and depth d is
    (A) md + 1 – 1
    (B) md+1 – 1/m – 1
    (C) (m – 1) (md + 1 – 1)
    (D) md – 1

    Incorrect questions for the Paper III:

    1. Q-12 in Paper III has no correct answer. So the question is invalid and should not be considered for the final evaluation.
    Ques. 12. Let V1 = 2I – J + K and V2 = I + J – K, then the angle between V1 & V2 and a vector perpendicular to both V1 & V2 shall be
    (A) 90°and(-2I + J-3K)
    (B) 60°and(2I + J + 3K)
    (C) 90°and(2I + J-3K)
    (D) 90°and(-2I-J + 3K)

    2. Q- 14, the question is incomplete and do not mention that (n>=2). This condition is required for the given answer, otherwise the answer could be B also. The question is incomplete and should not be considered for the final evaluation.
    Ques. 14. Let T(n) be the function defined by T(n) = 1 and T(n) = 2T (n/2) + √n, which of the following is TRUE ? .
    (A) T(n) = O(√n)
    (B) T(n) = O(log2n)
    (C) T(n) = O(n)
    (D) T(n) = O(n2)
    Ans: C (But in the question it has to mention n>=2), otherwise B

    3. Q- 17 is invalid as it has multiple answers, both answers A and C could be correct here. The question is invalid and should not be considered for the final evaluation or both options A and C should be considered correct.
    Ques. 17. Which of the following permutations can be obtained in the output using a stack of size 3 elements assuming that input, sequence is 1,2, 3,4, 5 ?
    (A) 3,2,1,5,4
    (B) 5,4,3,2,1
    (C) 3,4,5,2,1
    (D) 3,4,5,1,2
    Ans: A or C
    4. Q- 22, the question is mis-spelt, the option “Calinsock Active-X control” is confusing it should be “Winsock Active-X control”. The question is mis-spelt and should not be considered for the final evaluation.
    Ques. 22. Which provides an interface to the TCP/IP suit protocols in Windows95 and Windows NT ?
    (A) FTP Active-X Control
    (B) TCP/IP Active-X Control
    (C) Calinsock Active-X Control
    (D) HTML Active-X Control
    5. Q-36, The answer given in UGC key is wrong. If a processor does not have any stack pointer registers the statement “ It cannot have nested subroutine Calls” is true as nested subroutine calls uses the stack pointers. The option B should be considered valid for this question.

    Ques 36. Suppose a processor does not have any stack pointer registers, which of the following statements is true ?
    (A) It cannot have subroutine call instruction.
    (B) It cannot have nested subroutine calls.
    (C) Interrupts are not possible.
    (D) All subroutine calls and interrupts are possible.

    6. Q-42, The grammar productions written are erroneous for this question. The symbol “I” and “O” (Letters I and O) are not consistent with other rules and probably mis-spelt so very confusing. The question is mis-spelt and should not be considered for the final evaluation.
    Ques. 42. The grammar ‘G1’ S-> OSO| ISI | 0|1|ϵ and the grammar
    ‘G2’ is S -> as |asb| X, X -> Xa | a.
    Which is the correct statement ?
    (A) G1 is ambiguous, G2 is unambiguous
    (B) G1 is unambiguous, G2 is ambiguous
    (C) Both G1 and G2 are ambiguous
    (D) Both G1 and G2 are unambiguous

    7. Q- 47 The answer given in UGC key is wrong. A non-deterministic finite automata with 3 states can be made. So the right answer is A.

    Ques. 47. The minimum number of states of the non-deterministic finite automation which accepts the language {a b a b^n|n>= 0} U {a b a^n|n >= 0} is
    (A) 3
    (B) 4
    (C) 5
    (D) 6


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