9 thoughts on “Mind-Blowing Fight Club Poster

  1. Vlad Anghene

    I don’t have a monitor stand, I broke my monitor, can’t tell yet if it was worth it or not, i’m typing blind but I’ll get a monitor very soon and try this again 

    1. I'm rich bitch!

       I tried this and my monitor fell on my mother-in-law and killed her. She was a widow and loaded. It was totally worth it, AND my monitor still works!

      1. Erchinthe7th

        tried it on my 32 inch lcd hooked up to my laptop, and my tv fell off the stand and dragged my laptop off the coffee table and they are both broken…… So I stole this netbook from an old lady……. FC

          1. What does it look like?

             Tried this on my iPad, but I’m an Apple user so I’m having a really hard time figuring out what’s going on. All I see is a brushed aluminum surface and an Apple logo covering my iPad. Also, the back got all smooth and now has a button on it. Maybe I have to restart it?

            I’m glad I didn’t try this on my Mac though! Apple has to have things their way, so tilting my screen is out of the question for that! Wouldn’t want to break it since I paid so much for it!

  2. Pingback: The First Rule Is You Do Not Talk About Fight Club

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